Investigate/prosecute death of dog, abandonment of horses and dogs

This dog reportedly died February 8, 2018 at a rural property in Oklahoma where no one lived. The owners allegedly left 3 dogs and 2 horses with no food or water.

Neighbors told a local rescue that they first reported the abandoned animals in early January, 2018 to the Mayes County Oklahoma Sheriff's office and requested an investigation for abandonment, neglect, and cruelty. Two deputies reportedly responded but no action was reported taken and the animals were reportedly left on the premises without care. The property reportedly has had no utility service for several weeks. Oklahoma state law requires food, water, shelter, and veterinary care to prevent suffering – and failure to provide is a felony violation of state law 1685.

The case was reported to animal welfare nonprofit organizations and volunteers. Reports to Oklahoma Alliance for Animals (OAA) state that a deceased dog may have died from lack of water and food. The surviving animals still appear to be suffering from lack of food, water, and veterinary care. If true, this is a felony violation of Oklahoma state law against animal neglect and cruelty.

OAA called the Sheriff's dispatch at 11:25 am on Friday, February 9, to also request a deputy be dispatched so the surviving animals could be saved, then emailed the Sheriff and District Attorney to formally request an investigation and possible charges to be filed.

We respectfully request that the Mayes County Sherriff's Office fully investigate this alleged cruelty and neglect case including collecting any existing veterinary records from the alleged owner, then file a report with the District Attorney's office. We respectfully request that Mayes County District Attorney Matt Ballard file felony animal cruelty and neglect charges in accordance with state law. The Oklahoma Alliance for Animals supports the law enforcement community and court prosecution of animal neglect and cruelty cases.


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