The end of cccat closed spieces

There is this thing called a 'closed spieces' in the furry/antro community. 'Closed Spieces' means that you cannot draw or create your own unless you buy or 'adopted' a design from the owner or someone who has been given permission to create designs and sell them from the owner There is this spieces called a cccat standing for 'Crown Clown Cat'. A monster body design created by a respected furry artist named WellHidden. What they do is they create all these unique designs of the characters and gives them 'rarities' which mean if they have something out of the ordinary from any other of the designs they're value goes us. They sell these designs to oblivious, but willing buyers willing to pay well over $200 for a design. If the designs have a rarity the price goes up. When buying the designs WellHidden states that you can "Change the design of the character" so what your paying for is something you could have created yourself for free. Please help me go down with the cccat spieces parade so people can freely create their own without having to keep secret about their awesome designs of their own cccats.

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