Stop the massacre of stray dogs in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Stop the violation of existing laws for protection of animals at the cantonal and municipal levels. Abandoned dogs are slaughtering by cruellest way in the public and in front of the eyes of children in cities and peripherals. Killing animals is illegal in Bosnia and Herzegovina! Local authorities violate existing law by financing companies that are killing dogs all over country like illegal "hygienic services" and hunting clubs Which are Payed to kill dogs by shooting and torturing dogs. These mercenary service are killing dogs in the cruellest way, injecting Domestos into the heart of dogs, tearing their limbs and fraternize them with ice water in the coolers.

Stop the violation of existing laws for protection of animals at the cantonal and municipal levels. Abandoned dogs are slaughtering by cruellest way in the public and in front of the eyes of children in cities and peripherals. Killing animals is illegal in Bosnia and Herzegovina! Local authorities violate existing law by financing companies that are killing dogs all over country like illegal "hygienic services" and hunting clubs Which are Payed to kill dogs by shooting and torturing dogs. These mercenary service are killing dogs in the cruellest way, injecting Domestos into the heart of dogs, tearing their limbs and fraternize them with ice water in the coolers.

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