My friend was refused the right to donate blood because of his sexual orientation

My friend was refused the right to donate blood because he is gay. Please sign the petition to help us change this!

The reasoning cited for his rejection was because he engaged in oral intercourse with another male within the past 12 months. Recently, the FDA lifted the lifetime ban on gay and bisexual man donating blood, which is good. But new proposed guidelines will still prevent gay and bisexual men who have had sex in the last year from donating.

Anyone should have the right to donate blood. Please sign our petition to ask the FDA to treat gay and bisexual men the same as heterosexual men and to lift all restrictions on their blood donations!

The blood is tested before it is sent off, so the fact that they rejected my friend is ridiculous. They put on the paper that he is indefinitely unable to donate blood. Over half the school has intercourse, and he was being open about it, and they still rejected him. If they test the blood, why should he not be able to give blood?

My friend was rejected because of his sexuality and it is not fair. If heterosexual men and women are able to donate blood at any point in their lives, LGBTQ men should have this right, too.

Please sign our petition to ask the FDA to treat gay and bisexual men the same as heterosexual men and to lift all restrictions on their blood donations! The FDA is currently taking public comments on these proposed rules. Please sign by the July 14, 2015 deadline to have your signature submitted to the FDA!

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