Convenient Bike Parking on Castro Street!

Relative to Downtown Palo Alto and Menlo Park, Downtown Mountain View lacks concentrated and convenient bike parking on the city's main street.

While Mountain View installed bike racks in parking garages and alleyways, these racks are seldom used because they are inconvenient and invisible. Many people simply lock their bikes to the tree cages, railings, and other informal devices since they want to park their bike in visible areas that are directly adjacent to their destination.  

Let's accommodate that! Relative to additional car parking, bike parking is low cost and encourages people to arrive using healthy, low impact transportation. Plus, it allows lots of people to park directly in front of their destination– something that's hard to do when driving! 

The small number of scattered racks on Castro Street are a good start, but we ask that the City of Mountain View install plentiful, conspicuous, and convenient bike parking directly on Castro Street.

We the undersigned, ask that plentiful, conspicuous and convenient bicycle parking be installed on Castro Street similar to Downtown Palo Alto and Menlo Park. 

While the city has installed bike racks parking garages and alleyways they are seldom used because they are inconvenient and invisible.
At several locations along Castro, and other downtown streets, there is an opportunity to install additional on street racks that are close to the front doors of businesses that people want to patronize. We ask that the city identify locations for and install additional bike racks in convenient locations to encourage low-impact transportation. 

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