Petition To Endorse The Vienna Convention As Domestic Law 

Because the Vienna Convention was created to protect the rights of foreign prisoners by notifying them that they have the right to consult with officials from their home country, we the undersigned feel that all foreign prisoners should be protected by the Vienna Convention regardless of their crime.

Because the United States Supreme Court ruled that in the case of Medellin v. Texas on March 23, 2008, the US was not legally bound to this law. They stated that regulations had not been transformed into domestic law by the Congress, although it had been signed by the US and ratified by Congress.

We feel that both foreign prisoners here, and American prisoners abroad both and equally run the risk of not having consular from their own countries and could be "railroaded" without the proper advise.

We the undersigned hope the United States will do the right thing legally and morally and put the Vienna Convention as domestic law in the United States.

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