China you must understand that it is time to stop and end the cruel slaugter of innocent cats and dogs to eat.
it is outrageous! and Completely wrong please search your Conscience, you know in your heart it is wrong, especially knowing the pain and suffering it is causing to these poor poor animals.
The world is watching and there are petition and petition being sent to you to Realize the WORLD WANTS THIS CRUELTY TO END WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT!
Please I beg you with the world behind me PLEASE STOP THIS NOW!!!!!
China stands condemned by the world community for the manner in which it treats the non-human animals unfortunate to be born within its borders. (I wrote the following in response to the heinous sadism of the dog and cat meat trade condoned in China, but it applies just as much to the agony suffered by the poor calf and others in this posting.) The dreadful cruelty of prolonged torture inflicted by the slaughterers on the dogs and cats prior to death is what appalls the individuals -- both Chinese activists and foreigners -- who oppose this so-called sanctioned 'cultural tradition'. Specifically, there is the necessity to inflict and to sustain suffering as much as possible on the selected creature(s) in order to 'improve the quality' -- read 'taste' -- of the doomed animal(s). To achieve this, the killers use the following techniques to achieve their end results: hanging, then beating to death of the living being. Hanging suppresses the screams of the victim. Beating is done as slowly as possible in order to tenderize the flesh for the diners. Boiling alive and blow-torching dogs and cats alive are two other preferred methods to enhance customer culinary pleasure. All these methods -- and I would not be surprised if the devious human primate has searched the depths of his/her black soul for other sadistic forms of torture leading to death -- are designed to satisfy the palates of indifferent human animals. If individuals can imagine more horrendous ways of depriving living beings of life than the techniques mentioned here -- hanging and beating alive, but not to death, boiling alive, and blow-torching alive -- please let us know. (Poison is not an allowed method.) Oh, I forgot. It seems it is acceptable to chop off the limbs, paws, of dogs, not to forget cats, prior to killing them. And, thanks to social media, we have videos showing these creative methods employed in the pursuit of culinary pleasure by mainly Chinese (and Koreans) who are, yes, of Asian nationality. China has a civilization of spectacular cultural achievement -- marvellous porcelains, bronzes, carvings, silks, scrolls, calligraphy; great temples, shrines and architectural achievements. A materialistic based culture, however, is bankrupt, nothing, if it is based on a moral vacuum, a lack of compassion, a denial of basic rights to both the human and the non-human, laws which are arbitrary or unenforced, judiciaries which lack independence from state control, corruption on a vast scale, and a dictatorship which brooks no dissent and defies international law and arbitration panels (South China Sea island building). Domination of discourse without permitting alternative voices is the coward's way of governance. The lack of any form of sympathetic animal welfare law for the non-human animals in China illustrates the utter indifference of China's present authoritarian rulers towards non-human life. This point, through implication, shows the contempt the rulers display towards their own unfortunate subjects. Earn the world's respect China. Do the right thing, China. Please legislate and enforce animal welfare laws to show you have compassion and empathy for those who cannot speak for themselves. The non-humans will finally respect you as a nation.
China you must understand that it is time to stop and end the cruel slaugter of innocent cats and dogs to eat.
it is outrageous! and Completely wrong please search your Conscience, you know in your heart it is wrong, especially knowing the pain and suffering it is causing to these poor poor animals.
The world is watching and there are petition and petition being sent to you to Realize the WORLD WANTS THIS CRUELTY TO END WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT!
Please I beg you with the world behind me PLEASE STOP THIS NOW!!!!!
China stands condemned by the world community for the manner in which it treats the non-human animals unfortunate to be born within its borders. (I wrote the following in response to the heinous sadism of the dog and cat meat trade condoned in China, but it applies just as much to the agony suffered by the poor calf and others in this posting.) The dreadful cruelty of prolonged torture inflicted by the slaughterers on the dogs and cats prior to death is what appalls the individuals -- both Chinese activists and foreigners -- who oppose this so-called sanctioned 'cultural tradition'. Specifically, there is the necessity to inflict and to sustain suffering as much as possible on the selected creature(s) in order to 'improve the quality' -- read 'taste' -- of the doomed animal(s). To achieve this, the killers use the following techniques to achieve their end results: hanging, then beating to death of the living being. Hanging suppresses the screams of the victim. Beating is done as slowly as possible in order to tenderize the flesh for the diners. Boiling alive and blow-torching dogs and cats alive are two other preferred methods to enhance customer culinary pleasure. All these methods -- and I would not be surprised if the devious human primate has searched the depths of his/her black soul for other sadistic forms of torture leading to death -- are designed to satisfy the palates of indifferent human animals. If individuals can imagine more horrendous ways of depriving living beings of life than the techniques mentioned here -- hanging and beating alive, but not to death, boiling alive, and blow-torching alive -- please let us know. (Poison is not an allowed method.) Oh, I forgot. It seems it is acceptable to chop off the limbs, paws, of dogs, not to forget cats, prior to killing them. And, thanks to social media, we have videos showing these creative methods employed in the pursuit of culinary pleasure by mainly Chinese (and Koreans) who are, yes, of Asian nationality. China has a civilization of spectacular cultural achievement -- marvellous porcelains, bronzes, carvings, silks, scrolls, calligraphy; great temples, shrines and architectural achievements. A materialistic based culture, however, is bankrupt, nothing, if it is based on a moral vacuum, a lack of compassion, a denial of basic rights to both the human and the non-human, laws which are arbitrary or unenforced, judiciaries which lack independence from state control, corruption on a vast scale, and a dictatorship which brooks no dissent and defies international law and arbitration panels (South China Sea island building). Domination of discourse without permitting alternative voices is the coward's way of governance. The lack of any form of sympathetic animal welfare law for the non-human animals in China illustrates the utter indifference of China's present authoritarian rulers towards non-human life. This point, through implication, shows the contempt the rulers display towards their own unfortunate subjects. Earn the world's respect China. Do the right thing, China. Please legislate and enforce animal welfare laws to show you have compassion and empathy for those who cannot speak for themselves. The non-humans will finally respect you as a nation.
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