Pass Pres. Biden’s historic Supreme Court reforms ASAP!

The extremist justices on the Supreme Court have gotten away with jaw-dropping levels of corruption and grift for far too long. President Biden has just announced a slew of new reforms for the Supreme Court that justice demands we implement IMMEDIATELY.

President Biden has called for a constitutional amendment to strip immunity away from Donald Trump and all presidents, set term limits for Supreme Court Justices, and a binding code of conduct for the Court in order to put an end to the pay-for-play oligarch bribery racket currently enjoyed by the conservative justices on the court.

Pass all three of Biden's proposed SCOTUS reforms!

"What is happening now is not normal, and it undermines the public's confidence in the court's decisions, including those impacting personal freedoms. We now stand in a breach," writes the President in an op-ed for the Washington Post. "We can and must prevent the abuse of presidential power. We can and must restore the public's faith in the Supreme Court. We can and must strengthen the guardrails of democracy."

These changes couldn't come soon enough. We must urge Congress to pass these reforms as soon as possible and restore integrity to our nation's highest court.

Pass Pres. Biden's historic Supreme Court reforms ASAP!

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