Stop Needless Killling / Shooting Of Pets / Animals

In.  The past several months ice learned and watched state after state. Having officers shoot .and or kill dogs because there are approaching them... Officers especially K9 Officers have abused and hurt their own pet /.  Partner...Officers carry pepper spray and a tazer gun..I would like to pass a law stating an Officer must use pepper or tazer first and if absolutely needed then their gun.I am tired of sitting here and watching the law think they can. Murder someone's Boer because they got scared...if you have to  shoot a pet because your scared get a new job....You took a oath ...To serve and protect...means pets too...Stop the killing..

Update #110 jaar geleden
25-30 dogs pets are shot every day in the United of 1/20/2015..
petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen
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