Tell Idaho: No Elk Cull!

Idaho's elk population has grown tremendously since the state legalized wolf hunting and subsequently eliminated their natural predators. Farmers have complained that these elk have been trampling their crops and destroying their livelihood.

Idaho is halfway through the wolf season, which was supposedly introduced to stop wolves from attacking elk. But elk hunters are encouraging wolf hunting, and pay wolf trappers up to $500 for each kill. The Department of Fish and Game allows a small amount of hunters to cull the surplus elk.

This is exactly what conservationists predicted would happen when Idaho legalized wolf hunting. If Idaho would leave wolves alone, nature would take its course and the elk population would remain stable. Please sign the petition to urge the Idaho Department of Fish and Game to stop encouraging wolf hunts with their elk cull!

As you know, Idaho's elk population has grown tremendously since the state legalized wolf hunting and subsequently eliminated their natural predators. Farmers have complained that these elk have been trampling their crops and destroying their livelihood.

Idaho is halfway through the wolf season, which was supposedly introduced to stop wolves from attacking elk. But elk hunters are encouraging wolf hunting, and pay wolf trappers up to $500 for each kill. We understand that your department allows a small amount of hunters to cull the surplus elk.

This is exactly what conservationists predicted would happen when Idaho legalized wolf hunting. If Idaho would leave wolves alone, nature would take its course and the elk population would remain stable. All native animals play an important role in Idaho's ecosystem, and this cannot be replaced by hunting activity. We respectfully urge you to stop encouraging wolf hunts with legal elk culls. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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