Stop law enforcement from shooting household dogs without consequences NOW!

    Lately I've been seeing several posts locally and in other states where law officers have been killing household dogs without even giving the animals or owners time to react. Law enforcement officers are facing no consequences for killing a part of someone's family. It could be your beloved dog next. The law I'm against here states that if a dog moves toward an officer or barks at an officer they have the right to kill that dog. Personally I've never met a dog that wouldn't bark at a stranger coming close to their human or home. If an officer truly feels like their life is at risk they should exit the home or keep a safe distance until the dog owner can secure the dog properly. There is no reason innocent animals should be murdered without a second thought. These fur babies deserve better and the ones who have unfortunately lost their lives already deserve justice.

    This one is for you Boceephus, a sweet boy who's life was wrongfully ended in a matter of seconds. Bo and all the other innocent lives lost need their justice, help them get it!!
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