Save Keith the Seal!

  • van: Stella Gamboni
  • ontvanger: The Environmental Agency and the Angling Trust

A grey seal which locals have named "Keith" has taken up residence in the River Severn in Bewdley, Worcestershire, England.  Keith has become a local sensation but the Angling Trust, an association of fishermen, is demanding that Keith be removed "to protect vulnerable fish stocks."

The Environmental Agency (EA) has said 
“We are aware of the seal at Bewdley and understand the concerns of salmon and coarse fisheries and anglers. However, one animal on a large river like the Severn is unlikely to have a significant impact on fish stocks.  This is ‘natural predation’ and it will eventually make its own way back out to sea. With this is mind, and also because seals are a protected species, we won’t be taking any action.”

Despite this, the Angling Trust is demanding that the EA relocate Keith or it claims 
claims it will be forced to secure a licence to shoot it using a qualified marksman.

This cannot be allowed to happen.

Please sign to express your disapproval of the Angling Trust's stance and to urge the Environmental Agency to insure that Keith is protected. 

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