Demand Justice for Murdered Baby Birds!

  • van: Marlene Puaoi
  • ontvanger: California Fish and Wildlife Department

A bit of bird poop was too much for the U.S. Postal Service in Oakland, California, so arrangements were made with Campos Tree Service to conduct a drastic pruning operation on nearby ficus trees that held the nests and the nestlings of Black-Crowned Night Herons.

Many nestlings were killed or grievously injured in falls when tree branches were hacked away, and some were fed into a wood chipper.  The U.S. Migratory Bird Treaty Act states quite clearly that nests are to remain undisturbed during baby season.

Both the tree-trimming contractor and the U.S. Postal Service in Oakland are disclaiming responsibility for this heinous act.  Please see to it that they are held accountable.

Update #110 jaar geleden
The San Francisco Chronicle reports that the U.S. Attorney's office has announced that misdemeanor charges will be filed against Ernesto Pulido, owner of Campos Tree Service. If convicted, he could face a fine of $15,000 and six months in jail; however, as he has expressed remorse and has volunteered to pay the rehabilitation costs of $3,000 for the five rescued baby birds, the penalties may be reduced.
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