Demand that House Bill 1750 be passed in the Pennsylvania State Senate and become an accepted law

  • van: Karen Crawford
  • ontvanger: PA House of Representatives House majority leader : Mike Tuzai

House Bill 1750 is currently with the Pennsylvania State Senate and could go to vote any time after the General Assembly convenes on Sept. 15th. If House Bill 1750 becomes law, it will be illegal in Pennsylvania to kill a cat or dog for the purpose of human consumption. It will be illegal to sell cat or dog meat for human consumption. At the present time in the state of Pennsylvania, it is legal to kill a cat or dog and consume their flesh. People have seen cats and dogs hanging in butcher shops in Pennsylvia. Also at the present time it is legal to kill pigeons in what is known as " pigeon shoots "  For animal lovers, this is heart breaking to hear that cats and dogs are being killed and eaten in Pennsylvania and that pigeon shoots are legal.  Heard enough ?
Demand that House Bill  1750 be passed into law in the Pennsylvania State Senate to make it illegal to kill a cat or dog for human consumption and to make it illegal to sell cat or dog flesh . These atrocities of killing innocent and helpless cats and dogs and eating them needs to be stopped NOW. Tell Pennsylvania that citizens living in the United States do not eat cats and dogs or raise them to be eaten. This is beyond disgusting. Demand that House Bill 1750 be passed into law in the State of Pennsylvania.

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