Trump Is Raising Money For His Reelection Campaign By Selling Items Meant to Destroy Our Planet

Got 15 bucks burning a hole in your pocket. Can you not wait to buy something ridiculous? How about something that might destroy the planet? Well if you answered yes to all three we've got the item for you.

Our "fearless leader" Donald J. Trump, has decided to sell a pack of Trump emblazoned plastic straws to raise money for his reelection campaign. While yes, the merch is laughable, the reason Trump is selling these "big league" straws isn't funny at all.

Single-use plastic items like cups, plastic shopping bags, and straws are wreaking havoc on our environment, especially our oceans where - according to experts — in the next three decades, there could be more plastic in our seas than fish. Trump knows all this, and instead of doing anything about it, he decides to mock the environmental crisis. The webpage selling them makes it clear that he thinks the entire thing is a joke.

"Liberal paper straws don't work. STAND WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP and buy your pack of recyclable straws today."

Even if these straws are recyclable, no one recycles them. Only 91% of plastic ever makes it to the recycling bin the US. 

Our planet and our future is not a joke. Since Trump took office he has rolled back environmental legislation that was put in place to protect the world around us. He has pushed through laws whose only purpose seems to be to troll those of us who care about the environment. And perhaps most upsetting, he and his cronies have consistently denied the existence of climate change.

These plastic straws are just one more way to hurt, not help the Earth.

Tell Trump that there's nothing funny about what he and his administration is doing to our environment. Sign the petition and tell him to set an example and stop selling these horrible straws and to take action to save our planet.

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