Tear Down Trump's Wall Plans, Before More Defenseless Animals Die!

Recently, a dead deer was found lying up against a portion of Trump's incomplete border wall between the USA and Mexico.

Add your name if you want to end the destruction of one of the America's most precious ecosystems!

"A photo circulating online depicting a deer that was allegedly found dead along the border wall just east of Lukeville, Arizona, is sparking outrage online.

"The photo was taken near the Dos Lomitas Ranch on Sunday, August 16, by an unknown government source who "works in the borderlands and is down there every day," according to Laiken Jordahl, a spokesperson for the Tucson-based Center for Biological Diversity," reported The Phoenix New Times.

This photo is a stark symbol of what could happen to lots of other animals if Trump's pointless border wall is completed, some of which are endangered.

National Geographic boiled it down to six core problems:

1. The wall will change the diverse landscapes of the region.

2. The wall will worsen flooding.

3. The wall will disconnect 346 native wildlife species from each other, some of which are endangered.

4. It will divide the river.

5. It will disrupt wildlife refuges and parks, destroying the areas of wilderness we promised to protect forever.

6. And the wall will be exempt from green laws, meaning that unscrupulous people can get away with anything they want, no matter how much it damages the environment.

We have to take strong action immediately, before more helpless animals die for no reason.

We're calling on Bernie Sanders to spearhead a movement in the U.S. Senate to shut down Trump's absurd wall plan, ASAP!

Don't you want to stop the destruction of America's desert sanctuaries, and protect the countless animals who live there?

Then add your name to help shut down Trump's stupid wall forever!

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