Urgent Alert: Ask Government to Close the Surabaya Zoo

  • ontvanger: The Honorable Zulkifli Hasan Minister of Forestry

Indonesia’s Surabaya Zoo has recently come under fire yet again for keeping animals in severely crowded, filthy, inadequate enclosures and for the long list of animals who have died or gone missing at the decrepit facility. The most recent death was the zoo’s only remaining giraffe, who died after ingesting almost 20 kilograms of plastic, which is believed to have been thrown into the animal’s enclosure.

Indonesia’s Ministry of Forestry has demanded a change in the zoo’s management, but there have been no improvements in the welfare of animals there. “The zoo’s condition is an eyesore,” said Ir. Darori, director general of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation. Please write to the Ministry of Forestry and demand that the suffering of animals at the Surabaya Zoo be ended for good. Please ask the Ministry to close the zoo and transfer the animals to more suitable enclosures.


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