Stop BC government killing wolves annually!

  • van: Brogahn Gauthier
  • ontvanger: Tom Ethier, Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministry of Forests.

Is slaughter really the answer? The BC government has recently given the green light to a 4 year wolf cull operation. Why? Because their caribou are being killed. They have decided to kill up to 184 wolves a year. Unacceptable. What if a mother is killed? How will her pups survive? But that's the point isn't it? The government doesn't want them to survive. Parents tell their children that violence isn't the answer to problems, but what does this teach them?

We must stop this. Tom Ethial says that killing the wolves is the only answer, but maybe instead of focusing on the wolves, they should think about re-populating the caribou. Help boost their existence and stop taking their habitat. Habitat loss takes far more caribou lives than wolves do. Or they could stop the human hunters from hunting the caribou. There are many alternatives to killing the wolves, but the government refuses to blame the caribou loss on themselves, and blames the wolves. Congratulations Tom, you kept your pride. But the price was far too high.

This has to stop. Help save the wolves and sign this petition! Take a stand, stop the slaughter! Remember, 1 minute of your time could save a wolf's life.

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