Stricter Laws Against Animals Abuse in Greece

  • van: care2
  • ontvanger: Greek Government, Hellenic Ministry of Rural Development and Food, Ministry of Justice
Ministers of Agriculture and Justice,

With this letter %u03B9 express the emotions I feel watching the animal abuse taking place in every city of Greece. The incidents of abuse of animals is now daily. Resulting in an overall climate of impunity and indifference of the competent authorities. The current penalties are too low (Law 3170/2003 Article 8.1/2/3. Violators of Article 1, paragraphs 1,2,3 and 4 are punishable by imprisonment up to six months or a fine of three hundred to one thousand five hundred euro or with both penalties.) These are not minimum penalties applicable in practice since few are just complaints because of the low penalties and the lack of knowledge of citizens about their rights. This has irreversible effect on the image of Greece to the foreign countries.

As a English/ European citizen, I urge you to take steps immediately to remedy the situation which includes:
-Overpopulation of stray animals, dogs and cats in our country;
-Lack of application program sterilization and birth control, veterinary surveillance of stray animals by the majority of municipalities, responsible for stray dogs and cats;
- Lack of awareness of the need for sterilization to avoid a stray from its own citizens holders animal.

The result of this situation is the increasing number of stray and daily abuse of stray animals and all kinds of non-animal lovers, psychopathological or unscrupulous people.
The following forms of abuse raised by the media (press, television and internet) that caught my attention: -Choking in a bag or disposal in streams systematically puppy or unwanted cats born from despozomena animals belonging to citizens,
- Maintain crowd animals from individuals by either collectors or individuals who seek to profit by reproducing animals in appalling conditions (hellish-illegal private farms),
-Abandonment and brutal abuse of animals by their owners for lack of sufficient knowledge, indifference or psychopathology: burning, maintaining a narrow balcony stationary, amputation, staple-strap to injury.
- Abuse of stray animals: shooting, hanging, choking, tying in barrels or by crook hanging to death, poisoning , using the meat for human consumption or for the preparation of food for humans or animals,
- Violence to animals used in field of entertainment or for work or food for profit.
These animal abuse cases are everyday facts and therefore require measures to immediately halt the state directly related to human violence. Surveys now show

a. that all the 'famous' killers had started using violence to animals
"Researchers like the FBI and other law enforcement authorities in the territory have made the connection between violence to animals and domestic violence, violence against minors, the" serial killers "and the recent wave of murders of children under school age with tonDr. Randall Lockwood, vice president of Training Initiatives for The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) %uFFFD.

b. Those who exercise violence to animals is a potential perpetrator in cases of abuse of people or children. "In a survey based on 57 families who were in treatment for abuse, 88% also abused animals. In three quarters of cases was kakopoiitikos parent who was killed or injured badly these animals to control be imposed on the child. The third child had been abused animals using them as a unique outlet for the anger trapped. (Quoted from The American Humane Association) %uFFFD

I ask you to revise immediately the Law 3170/2003 in order to transform the abuse to a felony in order to have an inhibitory effect and prevent future incidents of abuse of animals associated with potential violence towards humans. As a citizen, I expect you to act now because this situation does no credit to your country and laid the groundwork for future cases of abuse of people and children.

Thank you,Yours sincerely
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