Save a Life this World Water Day!

Nearly 1.5 million children -- mostly in the developing world -- die from diarrhea each year due to contaminated drinking water,  lack of sanitation, and hygiene.    We have the ability to fully address this problem.  Affordable and accessible solutions exist today that can save lives, but this effort demands leadership.  Call on President Obama to make the resources available so all children can have the most basic of life-sustaining elements: access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene.

Earlier this year, as you took the oath of office, you uttered the words, Let clean waters flow, and, for a single moment, brought recognition to the wretchedness that exists for one billion people who do not have access to clean water. 

Nearly 1.5 million children -- mostly in the developing world -- die each year due to contaminated drinking water, lack of sanitation, and hygiene.  In these countries, diarrhea, spread through unsafe water and poor sanitation, accounts for 98 percent of water-related related deaths and fills up half of the world's hospital beds with patients suffering from a water-related disease.  That such conditions continue to exist on our planet demonstrates a failure on the part of all nations to fairly provide that most basic of life-sustaining elements: access to safe water and sanitation.

If these conditions existed today in our country, there would be outrage, despair, and political instability.  All of these and more, including gender disparity and lack of education, exist in the developing world where there is little or no access to clean water and sanitation.

We have the ability to fully address this problem.  Affordable and accessible solutions exist today that can save lives, but this effort demands leadership.

We request that you continue to work with the US Congress, especially your colleagues Congressman Bluemenauer and Senator Durbin,  to lead the way for our country and all nations by making resources available so all children can enjoy a safe drink of water and have access to sanitation.

We urge you to engage now.  The children of the world and our futures depend upon your leadership and actions.

Thank you.

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