What is in a name ?

Department of Homeland Security / FBI / Immigration is holding up several hundred thousand applications for citizenship and permanent residency for "name check". Some of the applications are pending for more than four years. This is a very unusual time requirement for a name check. All reasonable avenues to address the issue have not yielded any results and as such this petition is being sent. In order to highlight the plight the signers and others are requested to send yellow flowers to the White House in the second week of January 2008 preferably on January 8, 2008. The flowers should say, "What is in a name". Flowers to signify our love for the country and yellow color to show our frustration with the system.

We the undersigned would like to bring to our attention to the fact that several thousand applications for citizenship and permanent residency are being held up for "name check". Some applications are pending for more than four years. As it has taken more than a reasonable processing time we would appreciate if you would please intervene to solve this problem for all concerned. 
We thank you for your time.
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