We support Glenn Beck

We want to alert you to the fact that Glenn Beck--whose show you used to sponsor on FOX--did not use his platform to "make outlandish accusations about the President and to advance baseless theories that prey on race-based fears."

He DOES NOT have a "deep-seated hatred for white people." The claims by such "sources" as the Huffington Post are "ludicrous".

WE presume your company does not want to lose the millions of consumers that both watch Mr. Beck's show or listen to him on the radio. We urge you to immediately correct your cowardly action and return your advertising back to the Glenn Beck Program on the FOX News Channel or lose millions more consumers.

We the undersigned, want to alert you to the fact that Glenn Beck--whose show you used to sponsor on FOX--did not use his platform to "make outlandish accusations about the President and to advance baseless theories that prey on race-based fears."

He DID NOT claim that President Obama is a '"racist," that he has a "deep-seated hatred for white people," and that he is attempting to use our government to deliver "Obama-brand reparations." The claims by such "sources" as the Huffington Post are "ludicrous".

WE presume your company does not want to lose the millions of consumers that both watch Mr. Beck's show or listen to him on the radio. We urge you to immediately correct your cowardly action and return your advertising back to the Glenn Beck Program on the FOX News Channel or lose millions more consumers.

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