The Fairway Cafe at 2127 Broadway, NYC

A petition to Mr. Glickberg, the owner of Fairway and the Fairway Cafe, at 2127 Broadway at 74th Street, New York, NY, to save the Cafe on the 2nd floor from closing.


To:           Howie Glickberg, Fairway Market Owner

From:      The Diehard Neighbors and Fans of The Fairway Cafe at                             2127   Broadway, New York, NY 10023

 Dear Mr.  Glickberg:

        Please do not close the Fairway Cafe.  It is one of our neighborhood gems - and the reason that many of us shop at your store.  Frankly, we cannot imagine life on the Upper West Side without the Cafe -  and we urgently implore you to reconsider your plans to close this little oasis. 

        With Trader Joes soon to be opened nearby, we need less additional grocery space and more unique and long-treasured spots like The Fairway Cafe.  

        If you keep the Cafe open, we promise that we will work with you and use our resources to advise our many, many loyal supporters that it is their turn to thank Fairway for listening to their voices.



 To:           Howie Glickberg, Fairway Market Owner

From:       The Diehard Neighbors and Fans of The Fairway Cafe at
                   2127   Broadway, New York, NY 10023

 Dear Mr.  Glickberg:

        Please do not close the Fairway Cafe.  It is one of our neighborhood gems - and the reason that many of us shop at your store.  Frankly, we cannot imagine life on the Upper West Side without the Cafe -  and we urgently implore you to reconsider your plans to close this little oasis. 

        With Trader Joes soon to be opened nearby, we need less additional grocery space and more unique and long-treasured spots like The Fairway Cafe.  

        If you keep the Cafe open, we promise that we will work with you and use our resources to advise our many, many loyal supporters that it is their turn to thank Fairway for listening to their voices.


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