Tell the Peterculter Golf Club to Ban Convicted Animal Abuser

Last year 55-year old Donald Forbes beat a fox nearly to death with a golf club for doing nothing more than stealing a biscuit from his belongings at the Peterculter Golf Club in Scotland. According to the Press and Journal, an animal-cruelty officer described it as a "brutal and sickening" attack. 

Forbes was charged with animal cruelty, paid a fine of $1,210 (£750) and was suspended from the club for nine months.

Unfortunately, the club has decided to reinstate Forbes' membership, which animal lovers and activists disagree with. Legendary Queen guitarist and animal rights activist Brian May has also added his voice to protest Forbes' membership, along with the group Fox Watch.

Please sign the petition asking the Peterculter Golf Club to hold animal abusers accountable and take a stand against violence by banning Forbes for life.

As someone who cares about the wellbeing and humane treatment of all animals, I find it deeply disturbing that you would allow someone who displayed such a lack of respect for life, along with poor impulse control to remain a member of your club.

Donald Forbes was convicted of cruelty to animals in 2011 for brutally beating a tame fox on your property with a golf club for doing nothing more than stealing a biscuit. Even though he was fined and placed on probation, Forbes' actions speak volumes about his character, or lack thereof, and he should be banned for life.

Torture and abuse of innocent creatures is simply unacceptable and I sincerely believe that nothing less than an outright termination of his membership is appropriate.

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