Stop the Calgary CTrain Station/ Park N Ride Parking Fees!

A Majority of Calgary City Council voted to start charging CTrain/ BRT riders to park their cars at the many transit stations across the City of Calgary.  This is not the direction we want to see transit go; Commuter-bus service is awful for a city the size of Calgary, and many have no other option but to park n ride.  Council needs to balance their chequebooks on their own, and we need to stop taxing Calgarians for every little service.  This petition is to gather support to challenge our City Council, as this is simply not an acceptable endeavor!
IF you do not agree with City Council's notion to start charging for parking at the Park N Ride, please input your information to support a challenge to this decision.  Your support is appreciated and essential to show City Council that their decisions are not always agreed upon by most.
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