Stop the Bigotry: Legalize Gay Marriage For The Whole United States

  • van: John Smithers
  • ontvanger: President of the United States, United States House of Representatives, United States Senate
We the people of the United States need to recognize that this is a melting pot of different cultures and that Same Sex Couples are an integral part of that culture. We also need to understand as a "Free Country" that is supposed to be the largest Human Rights friendly country in the World that it is completely unjust, unfair, and wrong for us to continue to create a separate but equal policy for Same Sex Couples in the United States. It is not fair that Same Sex couples are treated with the rights of marriage in one state and then one state over their marriage isn't valid. The United States needs to step up and do the right thing and grant equality to everyone. People may think that they are protecting their families from breaking tradition, but by banning marriage for Same Sex couples they are destroying millions of families across the country. It doesn't matter if you don't like Same Sex Marriage for your family but that doesn't give you the right to not grant that choice and that right to others. By allowing for even one more minute the non-recognition of Same Sex Unions you are permitting discrimination, and that is wrong and as a new government we need to make that right by recognizing Same Sex Marriage for everyone in the United States.
We the undersigned are requesting that you end the discrimination towards Same Sex couples in the United States and make marriage legal for these couples. I believe that it is wrong to deny marriage to these couples and we can never in a free country permit that to go on.
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