States, Strip Corporations of Personhood

Urge State Legislatures to Limit Big Money in Politics

Whereas, corporate influence on the political process threatens to destroy our democracy by investing excessive power in profit-making enterprises seeking to thwart reform; and

Whereas, the US Supreme Court has ruled that corporations and other business organizations, guaranteed the rights of persons under the US Constitution, can exercise free speech by maintaining their own unlimited political campaigns outside of the reach of government regulation that limits campaign contributions; and

Whereas, free speech rights must be ensured solely to individuals, not corporations; and

Therefore be it resolved, We, the People of the United States, urge our state legislators to ratify, at the appropriate time, a constitutional amendment to strip corporations of personhood and thereby protect our democracy from undue corporate influence and ensure the people have a voice in the operation of government


Dear State Lawmakers:

We the undersigned urge you to please ratify a constitutional amendment to strip corporations and business organizations of personhood.  That way corporations will not be afforded free speech rights which enable them to spend unlimited amounts to disproportionately influence politics.

The recent U.S. Supreme Court decision granting corporations the right to spend unlimited amounts on independent campaign expenditures threatens to undermine our democracy.  One way to reverse the damage of this court ruling is to change the law through an amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

To amend the Constitution, 3/4's of the states must ratify the amendment.

Please ratify this amendment at the appropriate time.

Thank you for your public service.
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