Save the Bald Eagles, migratory birds, turtles and other wildlife of the Magurrewock Wetlands from destruction! Don't allow special intrest groups to build a 4-lane highway through the Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge!

Another International Bridge must be built as part of the 4-Lane East/West Highway Trade Corridor now under construction that will allow through traffic to travel from Watertown NY on through Washington County Maine, across the St. Croix River into New Brunswick, Canada and on through to Halifax Nova Scotia.

The site of this bridge is crucial to the survival of the Bald Eagles%u2019 nesting place and Magurrewock Wetlands of the Moosehorn National Wildlife Reserve. There are a few who stand to make millions if the bridge is built in the City of Calais, instead of the shortest, most cost effective and environmentally friendly site, Baileyville. It will cost the taxpayers in excess of $10 million dollars MORE just to build the bridge in Calais, but they don%u2019t care! AND%u2026what they are NOT telling anyone is that by 2030, they will have to expand the existing rural highway, US Rte 1, by constructing a 4-lane highway through the wetlands! All through traffic, including the ever-expanding trucking industry, many carrying hazardous material, will forever cross the Wetlands of the MNWR. The cost to build this highway is in excess of $30 Million dollars MORE and will surely have a negative if not deadly impact on the Magurrewock Wetlands and its delicate ecosystem.

Say NO to special interest groups who put profit before the environment! Tell Major General Don T Riley that you do NOT want this bridge built where it can harm the wetlands! Tell him to block their permit! Tell him you want to protect the Wetlands and the Bald Eagles%u2019 nests! Tell him you want the bridge built in Baileyville!

Not only will it divert all trough traffic away from the Wetlands, it will save us taxpayers MILLIONS in construction costs!!


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