Save Sacramento Animal Shelter Volunteer Program


Roger Dickinson ,

Jimmie Yee,

Susan Peters, 

Roberta MacGlashan,  

Don Nottoli,

Dear Board of Supervisors,

We the undersigned are writing to inform you of our strong misgivings regarding your most recent proposed Animal Shelter budget allocation. While we acknowledge the vast breadth and depth of the cuts to the budgets of all the programs within the County, the elimination of funds for the volunteer program at the Animal Shelter is short-sighted, inefficient, and will have a crippling effect on the shelter’s ability to function. In short, we are asking you to reconsider your budget allocation and add funds for the volunteer coordinator position to ensure that the volunteer program will continue to thrive and provide valuable assistance to the Animal Shelter.

In the midst of reductions to Animal Shelter staff, the volunteer corps at the shelter has increased their efforts, and now perform many of the basic tasks required for the Shelter to remain operational and responsive to the needs of the public. To crystallize the impact of volunteer contributions, I submit that in 2009, volunteers donated 28,925 hours equating to 13.90 FTE staff. At a County rate of $20.93 per hour, this equates to a $605,400 contribution.

At the heart of the robust volunteer program is the shelter’s tireless volunteer coordinator, who has grown the program from an afterthought to an integral part of the shelter’s operations. Prior to having a volunteer coordinator, the volunteer program consisted of fewer than 10 people. The program now has 200 active volunteers who assist with cleaning, animal care and socialization, foster and rescue, and customer service. The volunteers are committed to continuing those efforts, and are committed to playing a vital role in the massive fundraising efforts required to keep the shelter operating at its current capacity.

Eliminating the volunteer coordinator position - and by extension, the volunteer program - will not reduce the number of animals that enter the shelter every month. In 2009 over 18,000 animals were processed through AC&R, of which 14,950 were alive and needing care. The County has a duty to provide adequate care to these animals, which is not currently possible without the contributions of the volunteer program. Your investment in a volunteer coordinator at the shelter has an exponential return – roughly 15:1 per County dollar spent in volunteer-contributed time and goods. Eliminating the position is inefficient, and gravely threatens the welfare of the animals for which the shelter must care.

It is our sincere hope that all Animal Care and Regulation positions will be fully funded. We know that Animal Care Officers and Attendants perform multifarious tasks that are vital to maintaining an operational shelter. But, in the event that staff reductions continue, the volunteers are prepared to take on larger roles and greater responsibilities to ensure that the new Shelter can continue to serve the public and care for the thousands of animals that pass through the shelter’s doors each year. In order to ensure the success of the volunteer program, it is imperative that the volunteer coordinator position be funded to recruit, train, counsel, and coordinate our efforts. 

We thank you for your consideration.


Dear Friend and Neighbors, 
The staff of the Sacramento County Animal Shelter has been cut by 42% in the past year. They currently face more cuts and may even be forced to close their doors. 200 shelter volunteers currently selflessly give thousands of hours per month to help care for the more than 15,000 stray, abandoned, abused and neglected animals that the shelter takes in every year. 
Included in the budget cuts is the possible elimination of the volunteer program and the volunteer coordinator position. 
Please help us to urge the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors to retain the volunteer program and volunteer coordinator so that the volunteers can continue to help care for the animals at the Sacramento County Animal Shelter during this time of greatest need.
Thank you, Concerned Shelter Volunteers 
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