Save Our Shelter

Mendocino County has proposed the closure of the Mendocino County Animal Care Services Shelter in Fort Bragg, CA. Hundreds of animals will die needlessy due to this closure, not just in Fort Bragg, but county-wide as well due to overcrowding at our sister shelter in Ukiah, CA. As a popular tourist destination, Mendocino visitors will also be at risk for losing their beloved animals if their animal were to stray during their visit. We the undersigned insist that our Animal Care Services Shelter remain open. Find us online at and on Twitter @SupportRShelter .
To whom it may concern,

We the undersigned respectfully request that the Mendocino County Animal Control Services Shelter in Fort Bragg, CA remain open. It serves an invaluable purpose in our community and closing it is short-sighted beyond measure. Long-term cost to the community, the county and the lives of hundreds of animals is incalculable. Please reconsider your recommendation to close this vital shelter.

Thank you for taking the time to consider our petition.

Dr. Jane M. Jenab, MD
Fort Bragg, CA
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