Save Forrest an Innocent Dog in Denver

 AN ENORMOUS   THANK YOU!!!TO ALL WHO SIGNED!! MAYOR HICKENLOOPER"S OFFICE HAS NOTIFIED ME VIA E-MAIL TODAY (8/26) that FORREST will have the option of being transferred to an out-of Denver shelter.... Possibly the BEST FRIENDS shelter in Utah.

As many are aware, the city of Denver has BSL against Pit bulls and "Pit bull type dogs". This is a sad story about a man and his dog who do not reside in Denver, yet are subject to it's arcane and unjust laws.

Forrest escaped from his owner's property outside of Denver and roamed across city lines. He was picked up by Denver Animal Control and is now in custody awaiting his fate. A DNA test will be administered and if he is found to be  a pit bull, he will be euthanized as early as Monday 8/18/08.

PLEASE help us SAVE FORREST before it is too late. We would like Forrest returned to his owner. There is no reason this dog should have to die.
We, the undersigned, understand that there is a dog named Forrest being held by Denver Animal Control. We are familiar with Denver's laws as they pertain to pit bulls and "pit bull type dogs". We are asking that, given the extenuating circumstances in this case,  you please implement some compassion when finalizing your decision on this matter.

Forrest has not harmed anyone and does not reside in Denver. There is no reason for this innocent dog to lose his life. Your thoughtful consideration is appreciated.

Thank you for taking the time to hear our request.
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