Romanian horses are in desperate need of your help

The treatement of horses in Romania is pure cruelty. It is inhuman and shameful. Horses are working very hard during a whole day at the end of which they get no food or very little. They are overworked, underfed, exhausted and often beaten. When they become useless during the dead season they are abandoned, left to die of starvation. Horses are not considered as living creatures that can feel pain and fear. Everywhere in the country one can see dead or nearly dead stray horses. Animal welfare organizations do what they can but they don't have the means to help these hundreds of horses. The government is not willingto take action. Therefore we ask your help.Please click on the word "letter" under the picture to view the actual petition.
To the President of Romania and the members of the government. 
We respectfully ask for your immediate support and cooperation to stop the horrible  treatment of horses and other stray animals in Romania. Worldwide, people are horrified  by the horse cruelty and shiver with indignation at such vileness. Stray animals are the responsibility of the government. Legislation must be instituted  immediately to avoid such treatment. We urge the Romanian government in the strongest possible terms and all the pers who might influence such a decision to stop these abject cruelty by providing shelters where the abandoned horses can find refuge,  food and the necessary care. An indolent attitude of your government can bring shame and disgrace and it would be to the great advantage of Romania to put an end to the horrible treatment of horses and show the world that Romania is compassionate and civilized and has the ability to be a full member of the EU. We will prove your government that their own citizens and the rest of the world will not go for anything less than a strong animal welfare policy.   

To the president of the EU and the members of the Commission. 
As citizens of the EU, we need your help in protecting the abused horses in Romania. After all, they are since times immemorial our companion animals, service and work animals and family pets. There is no greater betrayal than this, towards animals who have served their owners and trusted humans for their care, to have their lives ended in complete abhorrence. We insist that this cruelty and indifference be stopped immediately. This is a moral as well as a  cruelty issue and we are insisting that you as legislators, take all necessary and efficient action to put an end to this mediaeval situation. You are the only  persons who can force a breakthrough. As constituents of the EU that represent a huge majority opposing these atrocities, we are demanding that you exhibit an immediate and positive voice on behalf of these maltreated horses and donkeys, by putting pressure on the Romanian government in order to make them put to an end such abuses that are strongly disapproved by the public in the EU countries.
We thank you for the attention you will pay to this request.  
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