Release political prisoner Tigran Arakelyan (Republic of Armenia)

Oppositional Armenian National Congress (ANC) activists Tigran Arakelyan , Sahak Muradyan, Areg Gevorgayn, Sargis Gevorgyan, Artak Karapetyan, David Kiramijyan and Vahagn Gevorgyan have been detained on Tuesday 9 August 2011, at around 10:00 p.m.

According to Helsinki Association, the young activists approached law enforcement agents who were examining a group of citizens at the time. The young people asked them to justify their actions but got beaten and taken to Kentron police department in reply. Tigran Arakelyan, Vahagn Gevorgyan and David Kiramijyan received bodily injures.

As of 10:30 p.m. they were still kept in the police department, they were not allowed to meet their lawyer.

A Yerevan court granted the release of opposition activists Sargis Gevorgyan and Artak Karapetyan, who were sentenced to a two-month pre-trial detention last week. Karapetyan was released on a bail of 3 million drams (about $8,100 USD). An application for the release of Tigran Araqelyan, who was detained along with Gevorgyan and Karapetyan, was not satisfied.

Target: Government of RA

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