Release 11.000 Palestinians in Israeli jails

Disgrace for Democracy: 51 Palestinian MPs and Ministers are

Detained in Israeli prisons along with 11.870 Palestinian citizens

By Iqbal Tamimi
A serious crime and new political slap in the face for democracy is committed by the Zionist system against representatives of the Palestinian people by the abduction of the Palestinian ministers and MPs.

The latest of which was the arrest of MP Ahmed al-Haj from the city of Nablus on 16/12/2007. Al-Haj is over Seventy-years old.

Earlier on the 10th MP Dr. Miriam Saleh Minister for Women in the Palestinian government has been abducted too. Dr Miriam is a member in the Legislative Council from Ramallah governorate.

The Minister of Palestinian Prisoner is in prison since many years... for the fifth time.

There are more than 11.870 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons, 117 of them are mothers. Some give birth while chained, and their children are forced to live in the cells where they do not live their childhood or play or go out.

(237 prisoners) had been arrested more than 15 years.

I don't have to tell you about lack of healthy conditions, or medical negligence. Some prisoners are denied warm clothes sent to them by their families.
They are held in 30 different prisons and detention centres.
1189 prisoner are schools, collages, and universities students of both genders, more than 400 of the detained are children. The youngest is the baby Youssef  (40 days old). His mother Fatima Alzzik (42) is from Alshojaeeyah camp in Gaza. She was arrested more than 8 months ago, and imprisoned now at "Hasharon" Israeli jail along with 110 other Palestinian women prisoners.

There are 107 Palestinian teachers in Israeli prisons. 1150 Palestinian prisoner suffer acute illnesses.

A large number of the detained are denied visits by family members.

Thousands of Palestinian detainees in the Negev desert prison and other detention camps such as Ofer prison near the town of Ramallah, Hawara, Qadumim, Megiddo, Nafha, Beer Sheva, Ashkelon and other prisons are shivering from the cold under waves of rain and snowfall coming from northern regions of the world especially that some are detained inside tents made of cloth surrounded by walls open to the cruel cold of the desert, living in wet tents caused by snow falls and rain, sleeping on boards made of wood which gets soaked wet.

Israel arrested 20% of the total number of citizens living in Palestine over the last decades, and this is the largest percentage in the world.

Soon in April 17th is the International day of prisoners. I hope you can join in denouncing what the Israeli government is doing to those prisoners, and demand their release to join their families.

Do not rely on journalism to get the news, journalist were the first to be attacked and harassed so that you do not know what was going on.

 The records documented 1147 aggressive attacks on journalists by the Israelis. Only between 28th of September 2000, and 31st of March 2007.

Please sign the petition and buy those prisoners some happiness.
We are hoping to get  at least 11.000 signatures, one for each prisoner, and present this petition to International Human Rights bodies like Amnesty International, and United Nations. Please Circulate this petition to all the people you can get the message through to them. It is about time we show solidarity for each other on human level.

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petitie tekenen


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