Red-eared Slider Turtles Slated For Death In Australia

Red eared Turtles have been illegally trafficked into Australia and then dumped into local waterways. The Red-eared turtle is considered an ecco-terror to the Austrialian environment. The Austrialian DES (Dept. of Sustainability and Environment) has deemed any turtles found, to be euthanized.
Killing a creature who was forciblity removed from it's native habitat and undergoing the stress (and probably loss of life for some in the process)of being transported and then dumped in foreign waters, is not the way to handle the situation.
Please sign the petition asking the DES Secretary Mr Peter Harris to consider a more humane resolution to the situation.

We the undersigned have become aware that Red-eared Slider Turtles have been illegally brought into Australia. One to date, has been discovered in Melbourne and is slated to be put to death.
We respectfully ask the DES to reconsider their alternatives.
The turtles could be either entrusted to a sanctuary within Australia where the turtles would have no further access to open waterways and further breeding, or turned over to be returned to native habitats.
At worst, the turtles are innocent victims of humans who have removed them from their rightful habitats and illegally trafficked them into Australia.
The DES should work to implement tighter restrictions on illegal trafficking of wildlife into Australia, and stringent enforcing of laws upon those found participating in such undertakings.

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