Organized Gang Stalking is Terrorism

My name is Peter Landy, since 2001 we live in a self declared NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH area, Niskayuna, NY, controlled by Organized Gang Stalking (OGS) Force in coordination with the local Niskayuna, NY Police. For the record my full address is 1908 Dean St, Niskayuna, NY 12309.  A group of Niskayuna Neighborhood civilians are "endowed" with the privilege to place anyone they don't like on their Niskayuna Clandestine Blacklist. Throughout history, without exception "blacklists" are utilized by Hate Groups.    It is high time the government passed a law to curb this widely practiced silent crime across the nation.
Please lend your support, sign the petition, against this Social Disease attacking law abiding citizen target-victim's human, civil and constitutional rights,spreading out of control nationally soon coming to an area near your neighborhood.
Peter Landy
My name is Peter Landy, since 2001 we live in a self declared NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH area, Niskayuna, NY, controlled by Organized Gang Stalking (OGS) Force in coordination with the local Niskayuna, NY Police. For the record my full address is 1908 Dean St, Niskayuna, NY 12309.  A group of Niskayuna Neighborhood civilians are "endowed" with the privilege to place anyone they don't like on their Niskayuna Clandestine Blacklist. Throughout history, without exception "blacklists" are utilized by Hate Groups.    It is decades over due that the government, congress and senate, passed laws to curb this widely practiced silent crime across the nation.

This petition requests all Police personnel with more than three civilian complaints be placed on probation watch for one year.  That any police department "suspected" of  aiding, abetting and coordinating with the neighborhood Organized Gang Stalking force be placed on FBI watchful surveillance for 3 years.  And all ex-military persons to be placed on a 20 year mandatory financial parole watch.

Please watch the following Youtube Video

Peter Landy
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