New York State Residents 4 Ron Paul 2008        

This Petition is intended only intended for New York State Residents.

If you are a New York State Resident and and and would like to see
Ron Paul on the Ballot in New York State, please sign this petition.

Please do not sign this petition if you are a resident of some other state.

Let's show the State Board of Elections how much New York wants Ron Paul.

Be advised you must be a Registered Republican to vote for
Ron Paul in the Primary Election.

For more information regarding Ron Paul for President in 2008
Click Here

We, the undersigned registered Republicans residing in the State of New York, do hereby urge our representatives in the State Board of Elections, to expeditiously designate Ron Paul as a nationally-known presidential candidate and place his name on the ballot for the February 5th Republican Presidential Primary Election.

Ron Paul has demonstrated his right to be on the ballot by his rising poll numbers, impressive fundraising, participation in and superb performance in all nationally-televised debates, the large size of crowds that greet him in big cities and small towns in all states, the number and enthusiasm of his volunteers and by his overwhelming and undeniable dominance of the most important communications technology of our times, the internet.

He has also caused an upsurge in new registrants to the Republican Party of this State both among new voters and among voters switching from other parties to vote for Ron Paul.

Please give the voters a choice.

Thank you.
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