Monk and Wolf-Monah i Vuk,%20vucica

To the Honourable Mr. Hrizostom from Zica Monastery, Mr. Irinej and all the honourable members of the Serbian Orthodox Church,

We are writing to you regarding the news that the she-wolf from the Kovilje Monastery has been taken to a private centre Djurdjevo.

  Wolf Alfa is in small place 10x10m. desperate and lost.
And what is the real crime?
Owner of this private center /shelter/ Mrs.Monika Brukner sterilized wolf?.WILD CREATURE?She steals her freedom and maternity.

After seeing the video footage about the truly pure and most honest love between the she-wolf and the monk Amvrosije, many people have come to see for themselves this miracle of God. Thanks to this truly rare and unusual love, many of our citizens have for the first time heard the Monastery Kovilje and visited it.

However, due to the human malice and ignorance, the she-wolf has been taken to a shelter by the order of the Bishop (Vladika) of Zica. The reason was that she would attract a pack of wolves that will eat some old lady from the village. Anyone familiar with the nature of the wolves would have known that the she-wolf, as in this case, as she reaches her sexual maturity at the age of 2, would by herself go to the territory of the male wolf as opposed to bringing a pack of wolves. It is also very possible that she would never leave the Monastery and her pack led by the Monk Anvrosije due to the fact that she is growing up around people.

I am writing to you as I have studied all the literature that there is about wolves and as I am the owner of a wolf that has been living with us and our baby for four years to date and has slept in our house in the centre of Kragujevac city.

A great sin has been made onto a Gods innocent creature as there is no such Centre or institution that could replace the love and FREEDOM that she had. Her life will be brought down to only eating and sleeping. As long as she lives she will long for her Monk. Wolves are animals that live and die for their pack, and her pack and her leader is this Monk. I am writing from personal experience and the experience of the most acclaimed wolf experts in the world.

As the Lord has said that we are all Gods creatures, so is the SHE-WOLF a Gods creature, unspoiled and of a pure heart. St. Sava too had a wolf of his own and St. Ilija had a raven. Then why could not the people of Serbia and the Monastery Kovilje have a SHE-WOLF of their own?

We are most kindly asking you to be so kind and return the SHE-WOLF to the Kovilje Monastery and by doing so take back the light and God love into her heart, as this would be the only way she could be truly alive. If she remains in the shelter she will only have the dark in her heart.  Please be assured that she would not harm anyone nor bring along a pack of wolves. In the worst case she will leave to the woods and not return. We have no doubt that God has given You the strength to make this good deed come true.

Would you please bring back the light into the eyes of this helpless and sensitive creature of God? We believe that you could do even more and that our Lord is sending these temptations to us and to You, and we believe that both You and we can go through with them.

Please do not allow human ignorance and malice to destroy this God%u2019s deed and the purity of Love, as there are so few examples of it in the world, especially in these difficult times and especially amongst the people of Serbia who have, regretfully, forgotten what a pure heart is, what an honest soul is and what true love is.

We are humbly asking you to look into Your heart and prevent a life of pain, suffering and darkness in the soul of a SHE-WOLF longing for her Monk.

Please do not forget about the mysterious ways of Gods work and that the Lord has sent us onto this road to save her and by doing so, save our soul by looking up to the way of her Love which should exist in the hearts of people as it does in the hearts of the animals.

We are writing this letter in the name of all the people who still believe in the existence of goodness, who believe that there is a reason for each temptation that God sends us, such as this one, so that we could show the greatness and the purity of our hearts, as we are all Gods creatures and so is this SHE-WOLF.

We are begging of you to return the SHE-WOLF to the Kovilje Monastery where she has her friend the Monk, her home, her forest and her freedom all given to her by God, and which has all now been taken away from her by the malice of the people unthoughtfull and not enough dedicated to the Lord.

Please return the taken freedom to the she-wolf, as that can be Gods only wish for her. The Lord does not wish to harm anyone just like he does not wish harm to this SHE-WOLF, and we do not believe that her new suffering in the imprisonment is the will of God. Let the will of God be fulfilled. Evil forces cannot be stronger that You, the good men. Thank you.

This wish is not solely ours, but of the great number of people who are taking action over the internet.



Respectfully, Vuk Bojovic, Jelena Tinska  and

Friend  EPAR / OIPA  Serbia / Alliance for the rights of the animals and the people,%20vucica

To the Honourable Mr. Hrizostom from Zica Monastery, Mr. Irinej and all the honourable members of the Serbian Orthodox Church,

We are writing to you regarding the news that the she-wolf from the Kovilje Monastery has been taken to a private centre Djurdjevo.

  Wolf Alfa is in small place 10x10m. desperate and lost.
And what is real crime?
Owner of this private center /shelter/ Mrs.Monika Brukner sterilized wolf?.WILD CREATURE?She steals her freedom and maternity.

After seeing the video footage about the truly pure and most honest love between the she-wolf and the monk Amvrosije, many people have come to see for themselves this miracle of God. Thanks to this truly rare and unusual love, many of our citizens have for the first time heard the Monastery Kovilje and visited it.

However, due to the human malice and ignorance, the she-wolf has been taken to a shelter by the order of the Bishop (Vladika) of Zica. The reason was that she would attract a pack of wolves that will eat some old lady from the village. Anyone familiar with the nature of the wolves would have known that the she-wolf, as in this case, as she reaches her sexual maturity at the age of 2, would by herself go to the territory of the male wolf as opposed to bringing a pack of wolves. It is also very possible that she would never leave the Monastery and her pack led by the Monk Anvrosije due to the fact that she is growing up around people.

I am writing to you as I have studied all the literature that there is about wolves and as I am the owner of a wolf that has been living with us and our baby for four years to date and has slept in our house in the centre of Kragujevac city.

A great sin has been made onto a Gods innocent creature as there is no such Centre or institution that could replace the love and FREEDOM that she had. Her life will be brought down to only eating and sleeping. As long as she lives she will long for her Monk. Wolves are animals that live and die for their pack, and her pack and her leader is this Monk. I am writing from personal experience and the experience of the most acclaimed wolf experts in the world.

As the Lord has said that we are all Gods creatures, so is the SHE-WOLF a Gods creature, unspoiled and of a pure heart. St. Sava too had a wolf of his own and St. Ilija had a raven. Then why could not the people of Serbia and the Monastery Kovilje have a SHE-WOLF of their own?

We are most kindly asking you to be so kind and return the SHE-WOLF to the Kovilje Monastery and by doing so take back the light and God love into her heart, as this would be the only way she could be truly alive. If she remains in the shelter she will only have the dark in her heart.  Please be assured that she would not harm anyone nor bring along a pack of wolves. In the worst case she will leave to the woods and not return. We have no doubt that God has given You the strength to make this good deed come true.

Would you please bring back the light into the eyes of this helpless and sensitive creature of God? We believe that you could do even more and that our Lord is sending these temptations to us and to You, and we believe that both You and we can go through with them.

Please do not allow human ignorance and malice to destroy this God%u2019s deed and the purity of Love, as there are so few examples of it in the world, especially in these difficult times and especially amongst the people of Serbia who have, regretfully, forgotten what a pure heart is, what an honest soul is and what true love is.

We are humbly asking you to look into Your heart and prevent a life of pain, suffering and darkness in the soul of a SHE-WOLF longing for her Monk.

Please do not forget about the mysterious ways of Gods work and that the Lord has sent us onto this road to save her and by doing so, save our soul by looking up to the way of her Love which should exist in the hearts of people as it does in the hearts of the animals.

We are writing this letter in the name of all the people who still believe in the existence of goodness, who believe that there is a reason for each temptation that God sends us, such as this one, so that we could show the greatness and the purity of our hearts, as we are all Gods creatures and so is this SHE-WOLF.

We are begging of you to return the SHE-WOLF to the Kovilje Monastery where she has her friend the Monk, her home, her forest and her freedom all given to her by God, and which has all now been taken away from her by the malice of the people unthoughtfull and not enough dedicated to the Lord.

Please return the taken freedom to the she-wolf, as that can be Gods only wish for her. The Lord does not wish to harm anyone just like he does not wish harm to this SHE-WOLF, and we do not believe that her new suffering in the imprisonment is the will of God. Let the will of God be fulfilled. Evil forces cannot be stronger that You, the good men. Thank you.

This wish is not solely ours, but of the great number of people who are taking action over the internet.



Respectfully, Vuk Bojovic, Jelena Tinska  and

Friend  EPAR / OIPA  Serbia / Alliance for the rights of the animals and the people


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