Help us bring Farmers Market to Inner Sunset

We, the undersigned, fully support the creation of a new Farmers Market in San Francisco's Inner Sunset district. We believe a new Farmer's Market will offer additional food choices to our residents, create a new focal point for our local community, bring more business to our myriad of diverse neighborhood stores,  increase our support for locally grown foods and local farmers, and enhance the value of our neighborhood. We urge the committee to approve the creation of a new Farmers Market in San Francisco's Inner Sunset neighborhood.
We, the undersigned, fully support the creation of a new Farmers Market in San Francisco's Inner Sunset district. We believe a new Farmer's Market will offer additional food choices to our residents, create a new focal point for our local community, bring more business to our myriad of diverse neighborhood stores,  increase our support for locally grown foods and local farmers, and enhance the value of our neighborhood. We urge the committee to approve the creation of a new Farmers Market in San Francisco's Inner Sunset neighborhood.
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