Help Save Critical Tiger Reserve

  • van: Animal Advocates
  • ontvanger: India Ministry of Environment and Forests, Ministry of Finance

A tiger reserve in India is under threat of being flooded by closing a dam to irrigate for agriculture.

Kutku dam is part of the inter-state North Koel River irrigation project, in Aurangabad district, India. Closing the gate of the dam would irrigate agricultural land in Aurangabad and Gaya districts in Bihar- but it would also flood and submerge Jharkhand's Palamu Tiger Reserve.

The area under threat is the prime tiger habitat and it is rich in wildlife and biodiversity. The forests are the breeding grounds of tigers, leopards and elephants. Due to submergence, traditional migratory routes of elephants will also be blocked.

According to section 38 V (4) (i) of Wildlife Protection Act, 1972, critical tiger habitats have to be maintained as inviolate for tiger conservation.

Save Jharkhand's Palamu Tiger Reserve.


Ms. Kavita Prasad

Director, Department of Economic Affairs
Ministry of Finance
Room No. 67-A, North Block
New Delhi, Delhi - 110001
Tel: + 91 11 230 94913
Fax: + 91 11 230 92345

Mr. Hem Kumar Pande
Joint Secretary
Ministry of Environment and Forests
Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, Room No. 627
New Delhi, Delhi - 110003
Tel: + 24 36 2551
Fax: + 24 36 0894

A tiger reserve in India is under threat of being flooded by opening a dam to irrigate for agriculture.

Kutku dam is part of the inter-state North Koel irrigation project, in Aurangabad district, India. Closing the gate of the dam would irrigate agricultural land in Aurangabad and Gaya districts in Bihar- but it would also flood and submerge Jharkhand's Palamu Tiger Reserve.

The area under threat is the prime tiger habitat and it is rich in wildlife and biodiversity. The forests are the breeding grounds of tigers, leopards and elephants. Due to submergence, traditional migratory routes of elephants will also be blocked.

According to section 38 V (4) (i) of Wildlife Protection Act, 1972, critical tiger habitats have to be maintained as inviolate for tiger conservation.

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