Fueling the Renewable Energy Movement!

The years teach much which the days never knew. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Beyond the electric meter on our homes and the gas station down the road, resides the true cost of fossil fuel dependence... 
The Ultimate Price
Global Climate Change 
Mountaintop Removal
Looming Peak Oil 
Special Interests
Corporate Profiteering
Increased Terrorism 
Polluting of our Lands 
Polluting of Water Ways
Economic Instability  

Now that you know...what will you do?

As U.S. congress debates legislation pertaining to the most important issues of our time, each of us has the ability, as well as responsibility, to make a difference...

Let U.S. legislators know...the time to usher in a re-new-able energy era & end the era of increasing dependence on dwindling fossil fuels and adversarial foreign interests...is now!

You can make a difference! Start today by signing this petition and let congress know their choices are of import to people of the U.S. and around the world. Upon reaching our signature goal, this petition will be hand delivered to the offices of each congressional legislator.

Support fuel efficiency, energy conservation and clean renewable sources, while encouraging your legislators to do the same!

Thank you,
The Energize Now Initiative!

Dear U.S. Legislators,

Energy is the common thread running through every aspect of our society; interweaving economic, trade, agriculture, environmental, defense and foreign policies, inseparably linking one to the next.

Accordingly, it is no coincidence energy is at the epicenter of the unprecedented challenges facing America today, challenges in the form of fossil fuel & foreign oil dependence.

The energy bills recently passed by the Senate & House of Representatives represent real progress toward addressing America's fossil fuel dependence, environmental and national security concerns.

However, as these historic Senate & House bills make their way to committee and becoming law, more partisan progress is needed.

To act in a manner consistent with that which is best for our nation, final legislation must contain a renewable energy standard requiring electric utilities to produce 15% of their power via clean renewable sources such as wind, solar, etc. It must also include fuel-efficiency increase for automobiles to 35mpg by 2020, and a nationwide utility net-metering standard, a prerequisite to wide-scale adoption of solar energy.

Awareness and understanding of the profound implications of our nation's past and present energy policies is increasing among constituents and the nation's social and political conscience as a whole. Similarly, the consequences of politics as usual, pandering to special interests, and placing party before principle is becoming better understood by many.

Whereas a growing, energized and informed non-partisan movement is under way across the nation, clearing a path for reason to prevail regarding the most important issues of our time: The overriding need to safeguard our planet while obtaining energy independence through conservation and clean, domestic renewable / alternate energy sources.

Be it through indifference, ignorance or blind faith, our actions or lack thereof, all of us have participated in creating the precarious (fossil fuel induced) situation that exists today. Likewise, it will require everyone's participation to bring about a new level of thinking with regard to the environment and our nation's energy independence.

In recognition of our shared responsibility, by signing this petition, we the undersigned each pledge to act for the good of the many...not the few...by making every reasonable effort to promote and practice energy conservation, and supporting clean, domestic renewable energy initiatives. We respectfully request your pledge in doing the same.

With world oil production nearing or at peak capacity; energy demand and climate-change increasing unabated, man's law of supply and demand, coupled with nature's law of cause and effect, will inevitably bring about change. The only question is for better or worse.

Will we as a nation have the will to act now...not talk...nor posture or politic, but act out of conscience endeavor to usher in a new energy era, or through indifference will we be acted upon by the environmental, economic and geo-political threats now gathering on the horizon?

Dating back to the Arab oil embargo of 1973, each new administration and congress has pledged to lead our country toward greater energy security.

Yet, in the absence of accountability, our previous leaders have been far more proficient at following (money & power) than leading. Consequently, our dependence on foreign oil and fossil fuels has increased year-over-year, as the security of our nation and planet decreases at our own peril.

For the influence, this legislative session has over America's continued prosperity, our personal future well-being, and that of generations to come, is as powerful as its willingness to exert it.

Our nation requires your leadership, not to the left neither to the right, but rather to a state of stainable independence...it is time to end the era of fossil fuel and foreign oil dependence!

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