End the colonization of West Papua

 The Dutch colony held national elections in January 1961 and control was being transferred to the indigenous New Guinea Council until the United States "pressed the Netherlands" to sell the Pacific people without their consent to Indonesian rule.

 In words of the US State Department, "annexation by Indonesia would simply trade white for brown colonialism". Please read a copy of the declassified US admission and confirm for yourself this extraordinary betrayal of freedom. Kennedy believed he was committing this act to save us all from Soviet influence, but his adviser (Bundy) was under influence of a corporation that wanted Papua's gold and copper.

  Since 1963 Indonesia has restricted media and foreign access and continued a campaign of deaths, disappearances, terror and torture. In recent months Indonesian trophy videos have horrified human rights NGOs, as well as videos of the burning of villages and shooting of people at a UN sponsored gathering in West Papua. [WARNING the videos of the killing of Yawan Wayeni, and torture of Tunaliwor Kiwo are unfit for human viewing].

  The abuse can be stopped by ending the colonization. Just as East Timor got it's independence referendum in 1999 because it was legally still a Portuguese colony, so too West Papua is entitled to self determination because the contract selling the people was not legal.

 For 48 years the US and Indonesia have blocked West Papua's name returning to the UN Decolonization list, and dissuaded countries such as Vanuatu which this year wanted to sponsor a UN motion to allow the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to give it's opinion whether West Papua is a colony.

 Please sign the petition and write your own letter to your government.
  We the undersigned are concerned about the advancement of human rights and freedom in our world.
  •   Does the United States support United Nations goals for global welfare and lawful process?
  •   Are the globalization of lawful process, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights beneficial to the foreign policies of the United States of America?
  •   Were United Nations General Assembly resolution 1752 (XVII) and the United States vote for the resolution in accord with previous Assembly resolutions 1514 and 1541 (XV), the United Nations charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
  •   Does the United States of America object to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) being allowed to provide advisory opinion on the legality of international agreements and the sovereignty of the people and territory who were the subject of General Assembly resolution 1752 (XVII)?
  We believe the United Nations is in need of an ICJ advisory opinion about the sovereignty of the territory previously called Netherlands New Guinea. Hoping you shall clarify United States policies in a time frame which respects the purported continued colonial conditions in the territory, our kind regards.
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