Remove Evolution From Our Schools

Please sign this petition in hopes that our student will no longer be forced to learn a theory that they may not believe in.  If one side is taught (evolution), then the other side should also be taught (creationism).  However, if this is out of the question, neither side should be forced upon any student.  The U.S. Department of Education must understand that each child has the right to his or her own opinion, and this should be enforced in school.  I am outraged that the one place a student should be able to express his or her self is the place where opinions are forced upon them.  Please sign this petition, and help our students form their own views, rather than forming to the curriculum's view. 
We the undersigned are asking the United States Department of Education to consider removing Evolution from the curriculum as a high school required class.  Evolution is an opinion, not a proven fact.  We are asking for the right to our own opinions, and our students should be given that right as well.  We are outraged that our students are REQUIRED to learn about a theory, as if it were a fact.  If our schools are allowed to teach the evolution theory, why are they not allowed to teach the creationism theory?

Every student, child, and person is allowed to believe whichever idea they want to, and we need to promote individuality.  Forcing students to learn something they do not believe in is ludacris, and we the undersigned are asking and begging the U.S. Department of Education to change their curriculum.  If students can't learn both sides, they should learn neither; you are forcing this generation into all believing the same side, and that is not what education should be about.

Thank you for considering this petition.
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