Dan Patrick for Texas Governor

  • van: John Hennessey
  • ontvanger: Conservative Change in Texas Leadership
Texas is a great state and deserves great leadership.  Current Governor, Rick Perry has failed Texans by adding the new business tax while not lowering property taxes.  He has not secured our border with Mexico.  He has tried to order parents to inject their daughters with a controversial immunization.  Perry also supports the Trans Texas Corridor (TTC).  And now Governor Perry says he is running again in 2010.  I cant stand it any longer.  Texans deserve better.

Lt. Governor Dewhurst has not appeared to do much better and would not get my vote if he ran for governor.  Sen. Kay Baily Hutchison would not get my vote either as she has done little to secure the border.  If she cant help secure the border as a US Senator, I dont think she will do it as a Texas Governor.

So I have decided to ask State Senator Dan Patrick from Houston to run for Texas Governor in 2010.  Dan has a proven conservative record and he could provide the leadership we need to improve the Texas economy (by lowering property taxes and getting rid of the business margins tax).  And I know that Dan would also be able to take action to help secure the border.  To learn more about Dan please visit www.danpatrick.org

If you feel the same way, then please sign this petition in asking Dan to run for Texas Governor in 2010.  Thanks and God Bless you, your family and Texas!

John Hennessey
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petitie tekenen


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