Crooked Doctors /yeshiva university

THIS IS A CALL FOR AN INDEPENDENT FEDERAL PROSECUTOR---Based on some of the facts Lidya Radin has shared, facts that she is publishing on a blog, see, WE WANT AN INDEPENDENT FEDERAL PROSECUTOR, particularly in light of the fact that the Bronx District Attorney’s office provided incomplete information to Congressman’s Weiner’s office to intentionally mislead, that Detective Colon of the 34th police precinct in Washington Heights admitted to making false statements of material fact on the witness stand, a crime, see blog, Friday, July 15, 2011 posting, and the fact that the Manhattan District Attorney’s office and Judge Edward J. McLaughlin are co-conspirators in these crimes and transgressions, Judge McLaughlin is the judge in the Africa Owes case, a woman who community leaders in Harlem are trying to help, see blog, Friday, July 22, 2011  posting see page 89 of Riesel’s testimony, for an example of Judge McLaughlin and the Manhattan District Attorney’s office demonstrating that they are so grossly incompetent that they purport not to know the rules of evidence demonstrating irrefutably that they are DANGEROUS TO OTHERS, conspired to convict an innocent person, and need to have their licenses to practice law revoked immediately before they illegally convict another innocent person.

THIS IS A CALL FOR AN INDEPENDENT FEDERAL PROSECUTOR---Based on some of the facts Lidya Radin has shared, facts that she is publishing on a blog, see, WE WANT AN INDEPENDENT FEDERAL PROSECUTOR, particularly in light of the fact that the Bronx District Attorney’s office provided incomplete information to Congressman’s Weiner’s office to intentionally mislead, that Detective Colon of the 34th police precinct in Washington Heights admitted to making false statements of material fact on the witness stand, a crime, see blog, Friday, July 15, 2011 posting, and the fact that the Manhattan District Attorney’s office and Judge Edward J. McLaughlin are co-conspirators in these crimes and transgressions, Judge McLaughlin is the judge in the Africa Owes case, a woman who community leaders in Harlem are trying to help, see blog, Friday, July 22, 2011  posting see page 89 of Riesel’s testimony, for an example of Judge McLaughlin and the Manhattan District Attorney’s office demonstrating that they are so grossly incompetent that they purport not to know the rules of evidence demonstrating irrefutably that they are DANGEROUS TO OTHERS, conspired to convict an innocent person, and need to have their licenses to practice law revoked immediately before they illegally convict another innocent person.

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