Bring KRCG's Rod Smith back petition...

Sign this petition if you are very upset by the firing of Rod Smith and refuse to watch KRCG until Rod Smith has at least been given a chance to return to the station with the same amount of money or more money. Send a message to Barrington that this decision won't fly with Mid-Missourians.
We the undersigned completely disagree with the firing of Rod Smith and have come together in agreement that we will no longer watch KRCG in Jefferson City, MO until Rod Smith has been given a chance to come back to the station with the same income or higher.

He is a pillar of the community with years of service to local sports. He is also very well loved in the community and has a huge following in Jefferson City and surrounding areas.

We hope by signing this petition you will see your mistake in firing Rod Smith and will reconsider his reinstatement.

Thank you very much for reading this petition and we hope you will make the right decision.
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