Born to Be Tortured

The endangered, 'gentle giants,' are at this moment, being abused by their circus 'keeper.'
While being in labor, the mother is being  beaten repeatedly with a iron bullhook, the offspring is born on the concrete floor. Shortly there after, the offspring is pulled away from its mother. From this moment on  the offspring will only live the life of pain and sorrow. This baby is now born to be tortured! Elephants are so terrified of the trainers that they begin urinating, defecating, and trumpeting in fear at the sound of their voices.Please read my letter to the US Representative. Please help and sign this petition.

US Representatives,
We are shocked to hear that circus animals are still being tortured today, right now.
 When these curious and energetic animals have their childhoods cut tragically short, they learn that being shackled by two legs, barely able to take a single step, causes intolerable boredom and distress
Elephants are aggressively hooked on a daily basis, and handlers rub dirt into bloody bullhook wounds to conceal them from the public.They are unchained only to the public. Their skins are 1 inch thick, but so sensative, it can feel a fly landing on them.
Please help. Thank you for taking time to read this.
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petitie tekenen


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