Banning Jailhouse Snitch Testimony In Capital Punishment Cases

This petition is to end the use of "jailhouse snitch's" testimony used for convictions in Capital Punishment cases. Because snitch testimony is the leading factor in wrongful convictions.Studies show that more than half of the wrongful convictions in Capital cases, were the result of jailhouse snitching.
When it comes to executing a human being, all testimony used should be truthful, and all measures should be made to enforce this.Jailhouse snitches recieve both monetary rewards and leniency in their own sentences, and sometimes snitch to put the blame on someone. These reasons alone should put a ban on all jailhouse snitching. Their testimony is unreliable and sometimes fabricated.

In a society as ours, where executions take place, we should be 100% positive of a persons guilt. Jailhouse snitching is a railroading tactic and needs to be banned.
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