Ban import of Foie Gras in Denmark

Geese in France are subjected to extreme cruelty of this "delicacy" is produced.

Foie Gras is a delicacy for the Danish Royal Family and the higher Society.

The Queen who is Patron for Animal Protection. On her birthday was serving “foie gras terrine with lentils and artichokes” for 250 guests.

At the annual New Year's sheds at the Queen for MPs and Pings in business is serving Foie Gras.

Furthermore the Prince Consort who is President of WWF Denmark has written a book on his favorite dishes including Foie Gras.

Several restaurants serving Foie Gras and many supermarkets, department stores and merchants selling Foie Gras.

Two well-known chefs on Danish television have promoted for Foie Gras.

In a restaurant in Copenhagen you can put your teeth in a luxury version of a burger. McKøster called after the restaurant's owner Morten Bech Køster who previously worked on a number of Michelin restaurants, and it consists of fried foie gras with roasted figs on a foccaciabrød. The price is 145 Dkr.

Denmark has banned the production of Foie Gras but it is still legal to import it.

Although it is illegal to produce Foie Gras in Denmark, it is allowed to import and sell foie gras, and it is a double moral.

Denmark is helping to continue production of this delicacy and thereby contributed to this cruel animal abuse.

With this video by Roger Moore, we hope that you will help us to make Denmark a Foie Gras free country.

Thank you

K%uFFFDre Minister Henrik Hoegh

Undertegnede anmoder om et total stop for import af Foie Gras. 

Danmark b%uFFFDr ikke v%uFFFDre medvirkende til denne grusomme dyremishandling.  S%uFFFD l%uFFFDnge Danmark st%uFFFDtter dette ved import, vil mange g%uFFFDs have et forf%uFFFDrdeligt liv med tvangsfodring og dermed lide en grusom d%uFFFDd.

Vi beder Dem l%uFFFDse om, hvordan Foie Gras bliver produceret

og se videoen lavet af Sir Roger Moore.

Selvom det er ulovligt at producere Foie Gras i Danmark, er det tilladt at importere og s%uFFFDlge Foie Gras, og det er dobbelt moralsk.

Det er dejligt, at De overvejer et forbud  for Foie Gras i EU. Vi beder Dem starte med at forbyde import til Danmark. 

Lad Danmark blive et foregangsland p%uFFFD dette omr%uFFFDde.  

Tak for at De tog Dem tid til at l%uFFFDse om dette meget vigtige emne.

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