Convince Alon to go to the show

   We all do things in life that we regret. We all pass up on great things. Days, weeks, or years later we'll realize how bad we've missed out. If only it had been made clear to us beforehand how much we would regret that poor decision.
   If you have ever regretted choosing to pass up a show in favor of something undoubtedly less fun and more boring, then here's your chance to redeem yourself. Help someone else avoid the heartbreak of realizing a missed opportunity. 
   At this very second, Alon (vocalist for California Redemption and CEO of LTE Records) is thinking about not going to see the Missing 23rd, the Last Priority, and Cuntastrophy in Ventura tonight. For those who don't know, Missing 23rd is one of his favorite bands. We once drove to Santa Cruz to see them when we had a final in Marine Biology the very next day. Missing 23rd is just THAT good.
   By signing this petition, you can help convince Alon to not make the mistake of passing up on a great show. Show your support and love for the man. Make your mark.

We the undersigned really think you need to get off your butt and go to the Missing 23rd show tonight. Seriously, you'll regret it so much if you don't go.

Let's go. Let's go. Let's go to the show.
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